Library Hours
Tuesday: 12:00-7:00
Wednesday: 12:00-7:00
Thursday: 10:00-2:00
Saturdays: 10:00-2:00
Tyendinaga History, Our Ontario Find digital images, text, audio and video materials about Ontario history, heritage and culture
Meet Libby - Download e-books and Audiobooks
For those of you who love borrowing eBooks and eAudiobooks through Kanhiote Public Library but get frustrated with the old OverDrive app, OverDrive has released a new and updated version that streamlines the process and makes it much, much easier.
The Libby app offers a single log-in process where you choose your library, enter your barcode and start borrowing. Gone are the days where you need to sign in with your library card every time you borrow an item. Libby remembers it for you.
You can either download eBooks and eAudiobooks, or stream them to save space. All your loans and holds are kept on a single shelf, so there’s no more back and forth between what you have out and what you have a hold on. Libby cuts down on the back and forth between borrowing and reading as well, making it far less clunky to borrow a book and begin reading it.
There are apps for Apple, Android and Microsoft available. To give Libby a try, simply download it for free through your app store. For more information go to
Dolly Parton Imagination Library Online Registration
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth to age five in participating communities within the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write Dolly started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, her program spans four countries and mails over 1 million free books each month to children around the world.
Centre for Equitable Library Access Collection
Kanhiote Public Library offers a collection of over 230,000 books, magazines, newspapers and described videos in a choice of formats for people with a print disability.
- Lots of choice including current bestsellers, award-winners and classics
- Fiction, non-fiction, self-help, business and more
- Books for kids, teens and adults
- Books in audio, braille or accessible e-book formats
- Download books or receive home delivery by mail
Access to the CELA collection is available to people who are unable to read conventional print due to a disability, which includes:
Learning disability: an impairment relating to comprehension
Physical disability: the inability to hold or manipulate a book
Visual disability: severe or total impairment of sight or the inability to focus or move one's eyes.
Access to the collection is offered in a number of ways
- Download books to your computer or mobile device, such as an iPhone
- Download books to a DAISY player over a wireless connection without using a computer
- Receive audio CDs, Braille or described movies through your local branch or by mail directly to your home.
Contact the library for more information or visit the CELA website at
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society
The Society stands with First Nations children, youth, and families for equal opportunities to succeed.
Using a reconciliation framework that respectfully engages First Nation and non-aboriginal peoples, the Caring Society provides high quality resources to support First Nations communities to empower children, youth and families. The award-winning Caring Society is proud to work with our partners in Canada and around the world to promote the rights of Indigenous children, youth and families.
Library Information
The library provides a wide variety of materials including: videos, books, magazines, large-print books, books on CD, and more...! There is up-to-date reading material for both children and adults. These materials are recorded in our automated library system which makes searching for a title very easy to do.
Click here to view or download our "Computer and Internet Use Policy"
Library Book Shelves
A leading grantmaker in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities.
Kanhiote Public Library is proud to announce new Children's and Fiction book shelves purchased through a grant from OTF.
Our Location
The Library is located on the top floor at 1658 York Road
Main Entrance
Patron Computers (Lobby)
Borrowing Information
The library is your gateway to a world of information. In return, respect the material you borrow, keep it safe and return material on time so that others may enjoy it as well.
Library Cards
To borrow materials from the library, you must have a membership card. Members of our community may obtain a FREE Library Membership Card by filling out a short application with your name, address and telephone number. A library membership card is valid for two years from the date of issue. Patrons are expected to present their cards at the circulation desk when signing out library materials.
Each person is responsible for material borrowed on his or her library card Responsibility for the reading material of children rests with their parents or legal guardian.
If something you want is checked out at the moment, you may ask the library staff to place a hold on it for you.
Loan Periods, Fines & Fees
The loan period is 14 days. Material may be renewed for an additional 7 days. You may renew your materials in the library, by telephone (613-967-6264) or by e-mail
The Library has a drop box for your convenience to return borrowed materials after hours, it is located to the right of the main entrance.
Material held beyond the loan period will be subject to an overdue fine. Overdue fines are 5 cents/day. Fines are counted on open days only. Patrons who have overdue material will be subject to loss of borrowing privileges.
Interlibrary loan
For items not located at our own library, we can try to obtain the item from another library. This process can take from 2-6 weeks (on average). There is a limit of three requests at one time. Patrons will be notified by phone when the material arrives; items will be held for one week. Loan periods will vary depending on the source library.
Mission Statement
Kanhiote provides resources to encourage cultural awareness, personal growth, independent learning and increase the ability of the members of the community to cope with personal, social, economic, environmental and technological change.
Kanhiote serves as the community’s information center. Kanhiote serves all people in the community in their roles as individuals or as members of organizations.
Kanhiote participates with other libraries in resource sharing agreements in order to provide a range of information. Kanhiote plans and develops services in response to the needs of the community. The library serves every individual regardless of age, education, religion, economic level, ethnic cultural background, political conviction or mental or physical health.